One of my favorite things about working at HubSpot is everyone's great sense of humor. The developer chatroom chronicles most of our zany antics, and it's facilitated by our very own robotic butler, Wooster Bot (named after Bertie Wooster, and based off of GitHub's Hubot).

These bros want a chat bot...

Wooster is pretty smart; we've taught him how to evaulate mathematical expressions, translate text between languages, kick off new builds, generate a whole slew of different meme photos, and even tell us what today's specials are at the deli across the street. Any employee can add more functionality to Wooster by writing a node.js script. What else can we do with Wooster?


David Cancel, our fearless leader Chief Product Officer, is known for his poignant, humorous, and often quotable hashtags:

So we figured, let's harness this corpus for some laughs.

A man's gotta have a code.

We can implement this easily in CoffeeScript:

module.exports = (robot) ->
# twitter API url
url = '' +
'user_timeline.json?include_entities=true' +
# respond when someone says "@wooster dc"
robot.response /dc$/i, (msg) ->
# hit twitter API
msg.http(url).get() (err, res, body) ->
# catch HTTP errors
if err
# parse response JSON
data = JSON.parse body
# catch API errors
if data.error
msg.send "Error: " + data.error
# get list of hashtags
hashtags = tweet.entities.hashtags for tweet in data
# flatten hashtag list
hashtags = [].concat.apply [], hashtags
# respond with a random hashtag
if hashtags.length > 0
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * hashtags.length)
msg.send '#' + hashtags[index].text

Our final implementation makes use of Redis as a backing store to minimize how often we hit the Twitter API, but this was left out to improve clarity.

Hello World

After deploying to our new Wooster script, we're in serendipitous hashtag heaven!

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